American evangelical Christianity has been struggling to understand the purpose of being human and our role in dealing with the brokenness of the world because we have not been reading the beginning chapter of the story. Sure, there is a lot of emphatic rhetoric about "Creation" in the debate about teaching evolution in schools, but that is where it usually starts and ends. When it comes to understanding what it means to be human we do not go to the first chapter of the story, the Creation, to find our essence, our purpose. We have been reading the story starting in chapter 2 instead of chapter 1. The story has several chapters, and we misread all the other chapters without beginning at the beginning.
The story of God, humanity, and the Creation begins with humanity being created in the image of God. That’s chapter 1. Chapter 2 tells us about the broken image, and how that broken image also shatters the entire created cosmos. Chapter 3 tells the story of God calling a special people to image God in order to redeem the world. Chapter 4 is the pinnacle of the story, the revelation of the one person who perfectly images God to redeem the world, the Messiah Jesus Christ. Chapter 5 tells of the new creation of a special people that will actually be empowered to image God by following Christ. The final chapter is the glorious finale — where the purpose of humanity finally comes to its fruition. The whole story has the God of Creation as its hero. The main characters are the human race. The plot of the story is how the Creator God does not give up on his creation and his most cherished part of that creation, humanity. There is conflict and struggle, but in the end, the Creator God is also the Redeemer God, successfully transforming the cosmos for the good.
technorati: image of god, imago Dei, emerging church, theology,
I love the analogy of missing the first chapter. Without those first few chapters in Genesis, not much else makes sense.
Great post to introduce this to us. We most certainly need to get a better handle on the beginning in seeing the importance of creation, all of it, and how God's new creation in Jesus fulfills and completes that, at the end of the Book.
Thanks, Bob.
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