All the while the needy in our world suffer.
All the while the people in this hurting world are desperately in need to see the body of Christ incarnated and making a difference: transforming all things, fighting injustice, working for Shalom.
I get cynical.
But just when the cynicism is about to choke out my faith, I find myself at the Jubilee Conference in Pittsburgh. The annual Jubilee Conference is done by the ministry that I call it a privilege to be a part, the CCO.
2,000 college students (and others) convened at the Hilton in downtown Pittsburgh this past weekend. They were encouraged to live out their faith in the very vocations in which they are training. They were challenged to think that Christianity is more (not less, but definitely more) than getting into heaven. They were given the Jubilee vision: that Christ came to declare the year of the Lord’s favor, to preach good news to the poor, to proclaim freedom for the prisoners, recovery of sight for the blind, to release the oppressed (see Luke 4:16-21; Leviticus 25:10). They were told that, yes, we Christians can make a huge difference in the world. Christianity isn’t just about the “next” world; it is about this world too.
Shane Claiborne challenged us that we Christians can, and must, seek to make a difference for

I also witnessed how this happens in real life, right here, right now. The CCO honored a former student in our ministry for living out the Jubilee vision with his life. After college, he went on to medical school and became a doctor. He opened a clinic in Pittsburgh, caring for the poor and needy. Half of his patients do not have medical coverage. Many have severe problems: drug habits, psychological issues, long-term physical debilitations. And his clinic cares for these people. This is gospel lived out. This is transformational ministry.
Seminars were led by business people, political activists, artists, medical practitioners, educators, engineers, and others that explained how this Jubilee Gospel vision can actually happen (and has!). Christians are really living out their faith in this world and making a difference. They are not missionaries or pastors. They have not moved from their vocations in order to do “full-time Christian ministry.” They have realized that that is a misnomer. If you are a Christian, then you are in full-time Christian ministry. It’s done in how you transform your vocation to bring about Justice and Shalom in the world.
This is different from the Christianity about which I’ve become cynical. It is not just a bunch of us Christians getting together for a Bible study so that we can know more about God while cursing the darkness “out there” and awaiting the return of Christ to make things right. It is moving into the darkness, being a transformative light in that darkness through the grace and power of Jesus Christ.
Bob, This reminds me of my jabber I posted today. But the content is immensely important:
Bob, it was great meeting you this past weekend. I agree with your assessment of Jubilee - what a great weekend. Thanks so much for your work with the CCO. I look forward to keeping in touch.
I love the title of Gary Haugen's book - Good News About Injustice: A Witness of Courage in a Hurting World.
The "good news" is that the "good news" (the gospel) deals directly with injustice! Any gospel message that does not talk about how Jesus seeks justice is not the whole gospel.
Hi Mark!
Good to meet you too. Thanks for your kind words of encouragement when we talked. I'm trying to track down the person we talked about.
bob, thanks for posting this. I think the weekend was unusually difficult for me as well as encouraging.
It is easy to fall into cynicism and quite hard to fall into action. I relate this to what Shane said about his beginnings: "We knew what we were against, but not what we were for."
Thanks you. And at some point I would like to continue the conversation we had on Friday morning at Placement Preview. Third place ministry and whatnot.
Amen, Bob! Great to see this. And thanks for your good comment on my posting.
my friend is interested in exactly what your friend is doing with the medical clinic in pittsburgh and needs some sort of opportunity to serve in that way in preparation for medical school. could you tell me that man's name and perhaps what his clinic is called? please e-mail me at
Anonymous, the medical clinic is the North Side Christian Health Center, which Drs. Todd Wahrenberger, Mark Guy, and Mark Holt started. Another medical clinic in Pittsburgh, older than NSCHC, is the East Liberty Family Health Care Center, which Dr. David Hall Started in the 80s.
It's Todd Wahrenberger of the North Side Christian Health Clinic.
I sent "Anonymous" a personal email with this information the other day.
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