
Pray as You Go

My very good friend, Miche, has introduced me to a unique way to connect with God on a regular basis. It's called "Pray as You Go." A daily podcast from the Jesuits of Britain that you can download and listen to when you have 10 or 15 minutes in your day.

These meditations feature soothing music so that you can calm down and rest in God's presence. There's a scripture reading and a vocal guide (usually a woman with a wonderful British accent) to lead you into some contemplative prayer time.

This is really different stuff. Thought I'd pass it on to you.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting this. It is different, but I found it helpful to just have a few minutes to BE QUIET and have some guided meditation. Thanks, and I'd encourage anyone "on the go" to take advantage of it!