
You Were Made for Earth - Interview with Michael Wittmer

Trevin Wax has interviewed Mike Wittmer over at his blog, Kingdom People.

You Were Made for Earth: My Interview with Michael Wittmer

Some of the questions Trevin asked:
Q: In Heaven is a Place on Earth, you write that humans were created, not for heaven, but for earth. Why would most Christians believe this is the other way around?

How does developing a Christian worldview help us avoid the dualistic thinking found in so many churches today?

How do humans reflect the image of their Maker?

You write about the cosmic reach of the Gospel. What does this entail?

Check it out!


joe said...

i need to finish reading that book. it's good to see the local guy representin'.

BoseKnows said...

What an amazing message! I agree with you that everyone, especially those in the Church, should read it - including me. Where can I get it?

BoseKnows said...

Here is a good site that helped me to change my viewpoint about the 'afterlife.' It explains in very simple terms this very same message of redemption and paradise as a physical place.
