
Without Equity, We Have No Freedom

Jürgen Moltmann, in his book God for a Secular Society: The Public Relevance of Theology, writes,
“Without equality there is no free world.
It is in the spirit of early Christianity that we call the truth that all human beings are created free and equal ‘self-evident.’ 
Equality doesn’t mean collectivism. It means equal conditions for living, and equal chances for living for everyone.
As a social concept, equality means justice. As a humanitarian concept, equality means solidarity. As a Christian concept, equality means love.
Either we shall create a world of social justice, human solidarity, and Christian love, or this world will perish through oppression of people by people, through a-social egotism, and through the destruction of the future in the interests of short-term, present-day profits.” (p. 69)
In a polarized political climate, where any mention of “social justice” or “economic equality” or “human solidarity” are labeled socialist and anti-American, Christians need to stand firm and steer the conversation into a third way – beyond unbridled capitalism on the one hand, and Marixism on the other, toward one that reads the Hebrew Prophets afresh and realizes that God’s plan for humanity is captured by the Hebrew words “shalom” (peace / flourishing among people), “mishpat” (justice between humans and between God and humans), “tsedeq” (righteousness in relationships), and “yasar” (equity).


  1. Indeed! I love Moltmann.

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