
College Ministry in a Post-Christian Culture

Steve Lutz has unveiled the cover for his forthcoming book.

Steve writes,
Here’s what the cover is going for: a brochure-worthy image of a college scene, juxtaposed with the dark abstract tumbleweed in the middle.
I’m no art critic, but I use the metaphor of a tumbleweed in chapter one to illustrate the rootlessness, uncertainty, and spiritual dryness of the college years for many people.
While we’re at it, here’s an endorsement that will likely appear on the back cover, from noted author and missional thinker Alan Hirsch:
At last! A book that interprets the challenges of campus ministry through a distinctly missional lens. No longer can we simply view work among students simply as evangelism…we have to adopt a missionary stance in relation to this increasingly complex task. This is an intensely practical, and theologically substantial, orientation on what it means to do student ministry in 21st Century America. Way to go Steve.
Alan Hirsch
Author of The Forgotten Ways, Untamed, and Right Here, Right Now, among others.


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  3. I'm sorry, Robert, but I can't let you usurp the blog with your poetry. If you have statements to make about specific blog posts, you're welcome to contribute.
