
Who Am I? Rooting Your Identity in the Image of God

Comment Magazine's Third Annual "Making the Most of College" Issue

The wonder of being a human being is that you are created in the "Image of God" ("Imago Dei" in Latin). However, sin has cracked the image in humanity so that we have deviated from the original plan for our development, no longer living out the wholeness and beauty of being image bearers. The Gospel places those with faith in Jesus Christ back on course toward God's intended goal for us—to be fully human, glorifying God as the Imago Dei.

This article, targeted at college students but applicable to all Christians, details how the imago Dei explains the purpose for being a human being. Humans were created to represent God, to cultivate the world through vocation, and to relate with God and other humans. The gospel of Jesus Christ is the good news of God restoring His image in humanity.

Thanks to Scot McKnight, Mike Wittmer, Byron Borger, and Dan Turis for reading my article and providing crucial suggestions to make it better. And a special thank you to Gideon Strauss, editor of Comment and president of The Center for Public Justice, for asking me to write it and then making it the cover story for the issue!

Read it at the Cardus website here: "Who Am I?" by Bob Robinson - Comment magazine, from CARDUS - equipping and connecting the next generation of Christian leaders


  1. I have just discovered your blog and Vanguard Church's website this morning.I have also discovered Scot McKnights writings very recently. My husband and myself moved to this area about 4 years ago and really have not found a church home. We have been Christians since the late 70"s. I was just wondering if there is a church in my area that you would recommend,I would greatly appreciate it! We started in Baptist Churches,then PCA church then non-denominational contemporary.We are doing the One Year Bible Blog and thats it for now. We have no church home and desprately need fellowship.
    Thanks and I am bookmarking your blog.
    Melanie and Glenn Harding

  2. We live in Hillsville,VA Sorry I forgot to mention that!

  3. Melanie,
    I certainly pray that you find the right church for you! However, I am in Ohio and don't know the churches in your community.
