
Betty White Undermines Tim Tebow's Punchline

So much for "the controversy" that had all those pro-abortion folks up-in-arms over Tim Tebow's Focus of the Family Pro-Life commercial. It was rather tame, wasn't it?

But, unfortunately for Tim and Focus, their ad aired immediately after the Snickers commercial that featured Betty White and Abe Vigoda getting pummeled by football tackles.

When Tim Tebow tackled his mom in the Focus on the Family commercial, I thought, "Didn't I just see this joke?"



  1. What about all the pro-abortion folks who were up in arms as well?

  2. Allan,
    That's actually what I meant to write. Ooops. I've changed it.

  3. Bob, I thought that is what you meant, but I didn't want to assume you did not have something else in mind.

    By the way, I liked the commercial.

  4. Bob:

    I didn't think tackling his mom was terribly funny to begin with, but it was even worse after watching a much funnier Betty White. The ad was so vanilla I wouldn't have known it was an anti-abortion ad if I hadn't been alerted by the media, but I wonder if CBS didn't put it right after the Betty White ad to dilute its non-message even more.

    After the Saints victory, that means the Browns have even less company in the have never gone to the Super Bowl. Go Lebron!
