
In order to reach those in a postmodern culture, the story of the gospel I tell is about...

Participate in the new poll in the left-hand column!

Results from our last poll:
"When I think of the "gospel," I think of..."
First Place (tie)
52.5% - Jesus brings people into right relationship with God and others
52.5% - God is redeeming the creation through Jesus' Kingdom

Third Place (tie)
40.0% - God's justice for the world will be accomplished through Jesus' Kingdom
40.0% - Jesus is Lord

Fifth Place
30.0% - Jesus is the Prince of Peace, bringing Shalom back to the world
Sixth Place
25.0% - I am assured of salvation if I believe in Jesus' sacrifice for me
Seventh Place
20.0% - The world is put to rights through our doing what Jesus would do
Eighth Place
17.5% - Jesus died to forgive me of my sins so I can go to heaven
Last Place (tie)
2.5% - Those who are enemies of God will be punished with everlasting fire
2.5% - A musical genre

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1 comment:

  1. My answers surprised me to your newest poll. The results surprised me too. These polls are fun.
