
My New Ministry: Reaching College Students at Stark State College and Kent State-Stark

Today, July 1, I am moving my CCO college outreach ministry to a more local place, the campus that contains Stark State College and Kent State University-Stark.

God has had this campus on my heart for a long time: a desire to see students at these two schools meet Jesus and join in His cause to bring redemption to the world. There are a lot of students at these schools (9,400 at Stark State and 4,000 at KSU-Stark) with limited Christian influence on campus.

After much prayer–seeking God’s guidance, and for a door to open as an opportunity to serve–I have accepted the position of Pastor for College Students and Young Adults at Jackson Friends Church.

This means I will remain on staff with CCO and continue to raise my financial support from people who want to see college students’ lives changed through the gospel proclamation that I will provide at Stark State and KSU-Stark.

Please pray for our family, especially for our kids, Trey (11), Joel (10) and Kaira (10), who have to transition to a new church after several years of enjoying the children’s ministry at The Chapel.

Linda and I have been deeply involved at The Chapel as well. I have led an adult community, helped with the children’s ministry, and also worked in local missions. Linda has worked in women’s ministry and has been a friend and spiritual helper for some women there. We will miss The Chapel!

One more concern is that we live in Lake Township, and many of our community connections have been through our kid’s participation in Lake schools and Linda’s Physical Therapy practice here. Please pray that the transition to Jackson Township will not hinder our connections in Lake, and that we will have new connections with people in Jackson.

Bob and Linda with Trey, Kaira, and Joel

Click the image below for a pdf of this newsletter!

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