
NT Wright offers help on understanding the Genesis creation narrative

Bishop of Durham and New Testament scholar N.T. Wright offers his thoughts on how we should read the first two chapters of Genesis, and why myth does not mean the same thing as "not true".

Finding this video was very timely for me since I went to a forum last night that featured John H. Walton, author of The Lost World of Genesis One: Ancient Cosmology and the Origins Debate. More on my thoughts on Walton in the days to come.

HT: Dan Turis


  1. Thanks for that video! I plan on putting that up on my blog soon. This comes up A LOT in children's ministry circles.

  2. Disappointed that I missed John Walton at Malone. Do you know of any other Walton speaking engagements scheduled for the area?

  3. Ugh. It's a shame us poor people who think that words means things will never be able to understand the Bible because we aren't smart enough to see all the mythological narratives.

    Just clinging to God and guns ...
